#23 International Health Forum 09.11.2018

Health – Partnerships – New Players

All years

Health – Partnerships – New Players

How to enhance your Business with Powerful Partners far beyond Pharma

The key aspects:

  • Pharma + x: How could Partnerships with Power Players beyond Pharma enrich a successful Healthcare Business of the Future?
  • Which Strategies do offensive Market Participants from other Areas implement while conquering the Healthcare Market?
  • Which international Success Stories serve as a Role Model for Alliances in the OTC-Pharma- and Healthcare-Business ?

Extraordinary speakers from China, the United Kingdom and Germany with an excellent international background are presenting the following topics:

  • Profiling Change Power - Face the Challenge: 007 instead of 0815
  • The Future Pharmacy far beyond Pills - How OTC Companies may Win by different Partnerships
  • Inspiring Alliances in China´s Healthcare Business as a Role Model for Europe
  • Intelligent Health Devices as Future OTC Business Case with Smart Partners?
  • Copy and Cooperate: How to Explore a Different Road to Market with Creative Partners

You may look forward to valuable impacts for your company strategy and to pleasant conversations with the speakers and guests in an exclusive ambiance.


Das 23. International Health Forum
Robert Lewis
Suzanne Grieger-Langer
Lucia Qian
Christian Stammel
Mark Earls
Andreas Arntzen


Robert Lewis

Director 54 Degrees North, Hull/United Kingdom

Robert Lewis is Founder and Director of his Health Innovation Start Ups 54 Degrees North. His company is consulting people and companies in the area of Connected Health to develop meaningful products and solutions based on the implementation of science and technology.

Furthermore he is creating own digital health products with his company 54 Degrees North. Robert Lewis is a biologist and pharmaceutical scientist with over 25 years R & D – experience in Consumer Healthcare, f.e. at Reckitt - Benckiser, GSK and Pfizer. In his several management positions he was responsible for driving growth through traditional product innovation in some of the world´s leading OTC brands like Nurofen, Scholl and Zovirax as well as for the successful role out of innovation processes.


Suzanne Grieger-Langer

Profilerin, Grieger-Langer-Gruppe, Frankfurt/Deutschland

Profiler Suzanne is the frontwoman of the Grieger-Langer-Group. As an internationally acting entrepreneur she has been working with a network of 150 people since 1993.

She is specialized on the detection of swindle and personal potentials. In her Academy Suzanne is training profilers and she is preparing Top-Managers for future challenges. Suzanne Grieger-Langer is Germany´s most famous profilerin and also a transaction analyst. Since the year 2000 she has been acting as a lecturer at some of the most famous universities for economy in Europe (CBS, FS, SBH, WU Wien). As an author Suzanne Grieger - Langer has published several bestsellers, publications and columns in meaningful magazines like FAZ, Huffington Post and Focus.


Lucia Qian

Investment Director Hui Qiao Investment, Alli Bridge Group, Shanghai, China

As an Investment Director at the company Hui Qian Investment in Shanghai Lucia Qian is responsible for the Private Equity Investment with the focus healthcare-market.

Bevor she had been working as Director Business Development at Sanofi in China for four years. In her former position as Vice President Investor Relations and Secretary to the Board at China Nepstar Chain Drugstore Ltd. in Shenzhen she managed the relationsships to institutional investors and stock analyst and she coordinated the office of the Management Board of the company, the biggest drug chain in China with more than 2.000 affiliated branches. Her experience based on leading marketing positions at an international fast-moving-consumer-goods -group and a leading retailer enabled Lucia Qian an excellent insight into the consumer healthcare market in China. Lucia Qian holds an MBA of the China Europa International Business School with a scholarship of L´Oreal; and she has a master degree in finance und development of the SOAS-University of London.


Christian Stammel

CEO Wearable Technologies, Herrsching/Germany

Christian Stammel is founder and CEO of WT Wearable Technologies Group and Navispace AG. Born in 1969, he successfully enables innovation and cooperation in the Internet of Things and wearables sector.

Christian had already founded his first IT company during his university years, which went public in 2000. He is one of the digital pioneers with a track record of over 20 years in the area of the Internet of Things and has created some world´s firsts including an ECG shirt in 2002. He advises some of the biggest tech companies and organizes with his teams important networking platforms in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. Furthermore Wearable Technologies is an official partner of several international fairs and he is the organizer of the worldwide leading Wearable Technologies Conferences in Munich, Hong Kong and San Francisco. Already during his university studies Christian Stammel initiated the foundation of companies in the area oft the Internet of Things and Healthcare.


Mark Earls

the herdmeister, London/United Kingdom

Mark has written a number of award-winning and best-selling books about humans and human behaviour, including Welcome to the Creative Age, HERD, I’ll Have What She’s Having and CopyCopyCopy.

Most recently, he has co-edited a collection of essays "Creative Superpowers" about what’s needed in business today for Creative Social. Mark’s work seeks to reshape the ideas about human behaviour on which marketing, management and innovation are built: He uses a broad range of contemporary behaviour and decision science to do this. In particular, he has championed the notion that we are social (HERD) creatures first and foremost and that much of our behaviour is shaped by what goes on between us rather than simply between our ears; that the individual agent (person or company) is not the best way to understand or shape behaviour. He now advises a wide range of organisations from corporations to start-ups, charities and governments, both in the UK and around the world. Mark is a Fellow of The UK Marketing Society and an Ambassador of The School of Life.
